Are You A City Or Country Person?

I wonder if there’s a hybrid version of the two because now I strongly believe I’m a mix of the two. If I was writing this just 10 years ago, I would have said what kind of #JAMB question is this? No question, I’m a city person!⠀

However, now that I’m older and I’ve experienced living in various cities and some Countrysides, my answer is this; I’m a city girl; always fully embracing the personality, mood and culture of whichever city I’m currently residing in, however, it wouldn’t be the worst thing to live in a country that’s very close to a city and easily accessible by car or train, etc. ⠀

For one thing, the peace of the countryside is very appealing however, they get quite boring very fast for personalities like mine. ⠀

Cities rock! They may have their own special brand of wahala e.g. #Lagos #Traffic but ya know what, nothing beats living in a city like Lagos, #London#SanFrancisco (which currently is battling for my heart with #Edinburgh) and #NewYork. All 5 Cities rule! ⠀

#Dearfuturehusband please don’t drag me to any Country o, we have to live in a fast-paced City. Taink you!⠀

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