The First Guest Interviewed On My Talk Show

This is a really awesome one for me to write about today y’all! Why? Because I’ve already done it because I actually have a talk show!!! Hehehe. ⠀

My first guest, I interviewed on my faith, stories and life-based TV show, filmed inside my car was none other than the Angie Francis! ⠀

To view content related to the #fisayotuoyotvshow, you have a variety of options. You can either click the link in my bio, check out my #igtv or visit #YouTube and search for #fisayotuoyo or #fisayotuoyotvshow. You’ll be glad you did, I promise. 😁⠀

I guess my first #celebrity #guest I would love to interview would be #Oprah, I mean the woman is a living legend in the genre of #talkshow so I would love to pick her brain. ⠀

I’m sure she has a myriad of stories as well from all the different personalities, celebrities and people she herself has interviewed over the years. ⠀

Fam, if you had a talk show, who would be your first guest to interview? ⠀ ⠀