The Biggest Lie I’ve Ever Told

When I saw this topic was one of the writing prompts, I LOL’d within myself. Like, who wrote this list? Did the person not realise some of us are going to be writing for a #public #audience? ⠀

What’s the person’s problem in life sef? Just low-key trying to get people to cast their own selves, what nonsense! ⠀

Anyways, I don’t know if I want to tell y’all the biggest lie I’ve ever told to be honest. I don’t need your judgement. 😂😂😂😂 I have enough problems in my life. 😋😋😋⠀

Ok, let’s compromise, ONE of the biggest lies I’ve ever told not THE biggest lie was most likely concerning my mom. Yes, sometimes I use her to lie o, especially if its work-related and I need a valid, infallible excuse to be away. ⠀

So stuff like, “Momise is not feeling well, yada yada yada, blah, blah, blah.” 🤦🙈🙈⠀
Please don’t judge me ooooo!!!⠀

Oya, Mr perfect, Miss and Mrs Perfect, who are judging me silently, lol, what’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told? ⠀